PC Force - Serving Minneapolis, St. Paul and their surrounding areas.
Discover all the ways PC Force can help to support and protect you.
Trip Charge Details
You Get Every Advantage
Based on your location...
A trip-charge or a minimum number of hours may apply as follows...

Also note the added value in how we try best to extend every advantage and extra incentives... especially if you have enrolled in a service plan, which buys your hourly rate down even more.

Within 25 Minutes
• 1 Hour Labor Minimum
• No additional trip charges

Illustration: We stop in for an hour to install some more memory, fix an error message and check your security levels, all for $80 dollars total labor (PAYG), plus the cost of the memory.

25 to 45 Minutes
• 2 Hours Labor Minimum
• No additional trip charges

Illustration: We resize your hard drive partition, opening up freespace for a second partition, and then we setup an application to use it, all for $150, and we give you advice about using the extra partition for your specific data as well as backups.

45 to 90 Minutes
• 4 Hours Labor Minimum or...
• 2 Hour Minimum plus $50 trip charge

Illustration: Chances are pretty good that we're coming out to service more than 2 or 3 computers, because you're a small business. It's cost effective for you to batch up your issues for the visit, to spread these costs out over each issue. But even for more time sensitive issues that don't take a lot of time, we'll bill the 2 Hours (at your discount rate if a contract customer) plus the $50. That way you get every advantage, and we make sure you get something out of the experience...


Over 90 Minutes
• 6 Hours Labor Minimum plus, round-trip mileage based on standard rate for business.

Illustration: Most of our outstate clients are small businesses with more than 5 computers. So obviously in order for this to be a win-win for everyone, we try to set "operating standards" across the organization, so that as we come out periodically, we spread the savings across all the systems, and help you practice prevention. Given the value associated with that, it's not expensive to have us work with all your computing needs, as a "best practice" if you will.

At PC Force...
We don't rush in and rush out. We really do our best to provide a value for what you are paying for. If' you're paying for the hours, let's figure out how to get the most out of it. Make sure you're ready with any issues you have, any questions you have... As we are always at it, looking to help you maximize your computing experience.